École Sherwood Park Elementary
North Vancouver School District
SPARK-5 School Agreements

School Agreements

Our school is a formal setting and we believe that a common understanding where everyone is responsible for their actions is important. Below are School Agreements we believe will help support a school culture of care and respect for all. Staff and students will continue to work on these agreements throughout the year.

Our SPARK-5 School Agreements are Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Inclusive.


Hallway Agreements

  • Walk silently (no talking)
  • Hands and feet to self
  • Single file and behind each other
  • Walk on the right hand side

SPARK-5 Connection

  • Being safe if you need to hear instructions from an adult or over the PA
  • Being kind by keeping your body to yourself
  • Being responsible for yourself and your actions
  • Being respectful for those students working in the hallways for those classes with their doors open
  • Being inclusive of other needs to a quieter environment ​

Assembly Agreements

  • Walk into the gym silently (no talking)
  • Hands and feet to self
  • Sit quietly (whispering) until you are asked to stop 
  • Show appreciation by raising our hands or clapping – no hollering, whistling
  • Walk out of the gym silently (no talking)

SPARK-5 Connection

  • Being safe if you need to hear instructions from an adult or over the PA
  • Being kind by staying in your own personal space
  • Being responsible for yourself and your actions
  • Being respect for those students and adults who do not like loud noises
  • Being inclusive of other needs to a calmer environment


Hats, Hoodies, Toques, Etc in Hallways and Classrooms

  • Each classroom will make their rules around this - please speak to your child's classroom teacher
  • No hats, hoodies, toques, etc throughout the school day, in communal areas such as hallways, gym, library and music room unless walking to go outside or coming back in from recess and lunch
  • Only time when a student's head can be covered is for (1) religious or cultural reasons or (2) social-emotional reasons as determined by the classroom teacher and administration

SPARK-5 Connection:

  • Being safe so that students can hear adult requests, including over the PA, and see where they are going
  • Being responsible for following the agreements set out at school (similar to following rules at a job)
  • Being respectful as school is a formal place


Lunch Time Agreements

Primary Lunchtime Agreements


During 12:05 to 12:25:

  • I may go to the washroom when I have the need.  
  • I have the right to eat in a calm environment.
  • I may socialize with nearby classmates using my inside voice.
  • I need to sit down or stand at my own desk at all times while I am eating.
  • I stay in my own classroom.
  • I may get up to put garbage in my bag (pack in - pack out lunch).
  • I need to put away my lunch bag as soon as I have finished my lunch.
  • I may draw, read or complete HW while sitting.


During inside days:

  • I can draw, read, complete HW, or continue to socialize while sitting at my desk
  • I can play board games while sitting (at the carpet or tables)


Intermediate Lunchtime Agreements


During 12:05 to 12:25:

No cell phones allowed from 8:47 AM to 3:00 PM.

  • I may go to the washroom when I have the need.  
  • I have the right to eat in a calm environment.
  • I may socialize with nearby classmates using my inside voice.
  • I must eat sitting or standing at my desk.
  • I stay in my own classroom.
  • I may get up to put my garbage in my bag (pack in - pack out lunch).
  • I need to put away my lunch bag as soon as I have finished my lunch.
  • I may draw, read or complete HW while sitting.


During inside days:

  • I can draw, read, complete HW, or continue to socialize while sitting at my desk
  • I can play board games while sitting (on the floor or at a table)


SPARK-5 Connection:

  • Being safe so that students can eat a nutritious meal
  • Being responsible for eating food in a calm environment
  • Being respectful of the time to nourish students' bodies



École Sherwood Park Elementary

4085 Dollar Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7G 1A5 | 604.903.3810 604.903.3811 | sherwoodpark@sd44.ca